Dumbarton Rowing Club

Rowing once played an important part in Dumbarton. The town was home to a successful club and hosted a number of high profile racing events. Sadly, local interest began to decline around 1925.
With the launch of our two new skiffs, we are working hard to re-establish a Dumbarton Rowing Club.
The sport has become increasingly popular over recent years and we see it as a fantastic way to engage local community members as well as provide Alternatives’ clients with activity which will form an integral part of their recovery programme through exercise, social engagement and team building.
There is also the potential to train with other rowing clubs in Alexandria, Glasgow and Stirling as well as take part in some of the 35 national races organised by the Scottish Coastal Rowing Association.
If you are interested in hearing more about the new rowing club, please get in touch by emailing [email protected]
Celebrating the launch of our two new skiffs, ‘Happy Days’, which was built by our Skylark IX Recovery Project Volunteer Trainees, and ‘New Beginnings’, which was kindly built by our friends at the Scottish Maritime Museum’s Scottish Boatbuilding School: