Put a spring in your step with our TikTok challenge!
Hot on the heels of Nathan Evans’ runaway success with the ‘Wellerman’ sea shanty, we’ve launched our #SkylarkIXseashantychallenge on TikTok!
We’re inviting 13 – 24 year olds across West Dunbartonshire to use the Wellerman song as a springboard for their imagination, adding their own creative twist, whether that’s duetting, adding new lyrics or a dance, popping in some visual art or even creating a ‘look’ through make-up!
Watch our volunteer Erin Dyer kick off the #SkylarkIXseashantychallenge making an origami boat in quick time!
Jade West, Volunteer Co-ordinator at the Skylark IX Recovery Project, explains:
“The #SkylarkIXseashantychallenge is a little light-hearted lockdown fun for young people across West Dunbartonshire. All they need to do is make a TikTok video using the Wellerman song, add their own imagination and post it with the hashtag #SkylarkIXseashantychallenge. There’s a model boatbuilding kit with tutorials and more up for grabs for a video picked at random next month.”
To find out more about the Skylark IX Recovery Project’s #SkylarkIXseashantychallenge visit @SkylarkIXRecoveryTrust on TikTok, Facebook or Twitter.
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